Friends, we are pleased to inform you about our participation in the Warsaw Home Furniture exhibition.
From October 19 to 22. We will be glad to see you at our stand @fube_org
National stand of Ukraine Furniture of Ukraine at the exhibition Warsaw Home Furniture Expo in Poland from October 19 to 22, 2022:
- exposition of furniture according to individual projects of Ukrainian factories,
- a gallery of subject design and
- an organized area for B2B meetings with architects and designers from Poland and Eastern Europe.
Furniture brands such as: Kitass, Diza, Esteco, Furniture Park, Bonart, PrimaLetto, Tentoni студия мебели, Woodsun, Мебельная фабрика Яворина - Киев, Polymerservice, ARTBUZ creative workshop etc.
Ukraine's participation at the exhibition with a national stand Warsaw Home Furniture Contract became possible thanks to the active assistance and support of the Council of Exporters and Investors at Міністерство закордонних справ України / MFA of Ukraine, ДУ Офіс з розвитку підприємництва та експорту, Рівненська обласна державна адміністрація, Торгово-промислова палата України / Ukrainian CCI and Київська торгово-промислова палата / Київська ТПП / Kyiv CCI. A special thanks for the support - to the partner of the negotiation zone at the company's stand Клейберіт-Україна TM Kleiberit.
They acted as information partners Export Promotion Center KCCI / Центр підтримки експорту КТПП and specialized publications Furniture business. Magazine, Pragmatika and DMNTR журнал "Дім та інтер'єр", "Дом и Интерьер", and EDS Європейська Школа Дизайну.
Organizer of national stands of Ukrainian furniture: Furniture of Ukraine Business Expo.